As a lover of fashion, I have always been fascinated and obsessed with French girl style. To me, French girls are the epitome of cool and chic. When I visited Paris last year, one of my favorite things was just to observe and try to learn all I could from the amazing fashion choices I saw around every corner. One thing that I believe is the secret to French girl style is the fact that French girls never look like they tried very hard to look as good as they do. I’d personally love to know if this is actually how they roll, or if every look is meticulously put together to look effortless. Whatever the case may be, one of the true secrets to French women’s style is their lingerie. I have recently become obsessed with French lingerie as I just love the beautiful details that French designers put into their pieces. Honestly, nothing feels better than knowing you have a beautiful set of lingerie on underneath your outfit. When you lingerie is on point, you exude confidence, which I think is the sexiest quality any person can posses.
Recently, I discovered the blog Truly French, which gives me my fix on French fashion and culture when I can’t wander the streets of Paris for inspiration. This blog keeps me up to date on all of that so my French #FOMO is a little bit less! Some of my current favorite recent posts include “Say ‘I Do’ In French” because you know I’m on the hunt for beautiful bridal lingerie, and “Wear Your Greens,” where they incorporate lingerie into a total cohesive look. I also love that they cover other cultural topics unrelated to fashion. I especially enjoyed the “Embrace Your Body” post because it is so important but also sometimes very difficult to really embrace yourself for where you are at, and self love is so important. Their insight into ways in which to really just accept yourself is such a great reminder to everyone to feel confident in your own skin. Make sure to check this blog out and get some fresh inspiration to help you channel your inner French girl! 😉
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