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Family planning: planning intended to determine the number and spacing of one’s children through birth control.
Thanks for that, Merriam Webster! Look, I know that talking about anything that has to do with our ovaries, our lady parts, or what have you, kind of feels weird and, frankly, awkward to talk about in a public space. We’ve been taught that nobody wants to hear about that, or that it’s improper or even taboo to really discuss these things, but I want to try to do my part to end this mindset. Women make up roughly half of this planet, so our issues and bodies matter, okrr!! I’ve teamed up with Vagisil® to discuss all the reasons why we should be shameless about our vaginal health, especially when it comes to reproductive health and all our options.
Family Planning…Why it is important to have options!
Reproductive options allow women to move up in the world…literally! When women are able to make their own decisions and control when they want to start a family, they are able to progress in society. Studies have shown that women who have access to family planning are able to pursue their education, which can lead to a better career path and higher wages. Access to birth control has helped women in developing countries break educational and professional barriers that had been extremely difficult to surmount without the access to family planning services.
Family planning allows women, like myself, to prevent unplanned pregnancies. I know this might sound obvious, but about 45% of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned. While some people may be in a position to take an unplanned pregnancy in stride and welcome a baby into their lives, I know I speak for many people when I say that I’d be in a tough spot if this were to happen to me. Having access to birth control methods is so crucial, even when you’re an old married lady, like me! Ok, so I’m not that old, but I think a lot of people have a misconception that once you get married, it’s time for those babies….I’d know, because it’s the most asked question I get now. I’m trying to set myself up for success and achieve my goals. One of those far off goals is to have a family, but for now, a baby would most definitely throw a wrench in my well-made plans. I am so grateful to be able to have access to different options when it comes to my reproductive health and decisions!
The truth is, we all have those kinds of moments where we realize that maybe the mode of birth control we were using might not have been effective. I’ve been there, and those moments have definitely been some of the most anxiety-inducing moments of life. Whether you’re married, single, in a relationship, young, old… we all need to be prepared for those oh sh*t moments in life, which is why I keep my bedside table stocked with Preventeza.™ By the makers of Vagisil®, it is a one tablet, one dose emergency contraceptive that helps stop pregnancy before it starts. It uses the same ingredient as most birth control pills, just at a higher dose. If used within 3 days (72 hours) of unprotected sex or birth control failure, it can help prevent pregnancy before it starts. Click here to see how you can get two packs for the price of one!
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Check out my previous post on Preventeza and family planning here!
birth control family planning plan b reproductive rights women's health women's issues women's rights