Here we are, NYFW day 3! I have to say, it was day 3 that I really started to hit my stride at fashion week. I finally was in the groove, knew enough about the layout of the city, had my go-to breakfast spot for when I woke up…because let’s be honest, if I don’t get a hot breakfast and coffee first thing in the morning, I am the literal worst. Things were really clicking for me, which was good, because NYFW day 3 was jam packed with shows and parties!
But before we get to that recap, here’s one of my looks from day three. This one has major 70’s vibes going on, can you tell? I’ve been super obsessed with anything mustard lately, hence these pants. They’re loud, they’re proud, and they’re very yellow, but hey, they make a statement. They acutally paired up really well with this vintage blazer I bought in Florence, Italy last summer.
I wanted to find a way to incorporate my Gucci-esque tee from Topshop into one of my NYFW looks, and this one seemed like the right placed to do it. It’s not forefront and center, but I think it adds a nice dimension to this otherwise very retro look. I topped it off with this massive Moschino bear chain necklace because why the hell not? Its fashion week! 😉
Blazer: Vintage/ T-shirt: Topshop/ Pants: Necessary Clothing/ Purse: Shein/ Shoes: Jaggar/ Sunnies: Velvet Eyewear/ Necklace: Moschino
On to day 3’s fun, shall we? My first stop was backstage at Public School to see Aveda and Maybelline in action, styling the models for the show. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stay too long as I had to run to my first show of the day, Dan Liu.
I wore this white, pearl embellished Dan Liu dress for the occasion…I’m in love with the classic silhouette of this dress with the pearls on the neckline. Y’all know I love any clothing that is already accessorized and this baby fits the bill!
One thing I aboslutely loved about the Dan Liu collection was how he incorporated peacock feathers into the beauty looks; it totally made me want to immediately go home and start gluing feathers on my eyebrows, lol.
After Dan Liu, I rushed back to the hotel with my roomies for a quick wardrobe change, because that’s what you do at fashion week…no day is really complete without a couple wardrobe changes, and why would you want it to be when your suitcase was packed to the gills to start with?! Seriously, I’m just justifying my horrible overpacking habits.
Next on NYFW day 3’s agenda was the Leanne Marshall Show. This show had to be one of my top favorites of the week, but unfortunately I was seated in the most awkward place ever and didn’t get great shots. Here’s the couple that turned out alright:
One thing I loved about the Leanne Marshall show was the fact that she had models of all different body types, which was so refreshing to see in a runway show. I also was totally swooming over all the bright and bold colors she incorporated in her collection.
This dress was literally EVERYTHING! I want it and so I can swear it every freakin day and strut through life like a freakin QUEEN. Ok, end rant.
Of course, when you find yourself in Grand Central, you gotta stop and take pictures of your look. I’m a huge Gossip Girl fan, so I hope I was doing Blair Waldorf proud in this look:
Look 2: Dress: Shein/ Shoes: Shein/ Handbag: Skinny Dip/ Belt: Vintage
With my girls Lily of Hello Darling Blog and Lee of LegalLee Blonde on our way to lunch! Lee suggested a cute spot in Little Italy called Seamore’s, so off we went to actually eat a meal for once!
This spot was seriously delicious! All three of us got the fish tacos, and none of us regretted it. Watermelon bellinis nicely washed the meal down and we were ready for the next chapter of the day!
One thing that never got old was the sight of street style photographers everywhere everytime we got within a couple blocks of Skylight Clarkson Sq. It kind of gives you some insight into what it feels like to have paparazi following you.
I was constantly so inspired by all the street style around me. Seriously, it made me want to up my style game like 10 levels because some of these people were just beyond creative with their looks. I loved every second of people watching.
The last show of the night, Jarel Zhang, was quite interesting. It mostly consisted of really over the top rain jackets that I’m not sure any normal person would or could wear, however, that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the show! I actually was really into the hair and the combat boots, and will definitely be drawing some inspo from that!
That about wraps it up for NYFW day 3! Stay tuned, much more to come!
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affordable fashion Blogger Style budget fashion Dan Liu Fashion fashion inspiration Fashion on a budget fashion week recap fashion week street style gucci tshirt Jarel Zhang Leanne Marshall mustard pants mustart New York City New York Fashion Week new york fashion week street style new york style NYFW NYFW street style Public School street style style style inspiration travel blog vintage clothes vintage outfit