Been thinking about trying Faster Way to Fat Loss? This post will go in depth about the basics of the program, what you can expect, and everything you need to get started. Stay tuned as I will be documenting my Faster Way to Fat Loss Progress in weekly updates!
Hey, Happy New Year! We made it to 2021, a fact that I am in complete disbelief of at this moment, but I think it will sink in…someday. Even though we just experienced the most insane years ever, I am still beginning the new year how I always do…setting some health and fitness goals! January is always a great month IMHO, because its a clean slate and an opportunity to start new, and that is certainly true of my health and fitness. I decided this year, instead of completely winging it and trying to just generally be “healthier” that I wanted to buckle down and try a program…and that program is Faster Way to Fat Loss.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I am a FWTFL affiliate, so should you choose to purchase the program after clicking a link on this post, I will receive a commission, which helps me continue to run this blog! Thanks for supporting the brands that help keep the wifi on + make Miss Moore Style possible!
So….What is Faster Way to Fat Loss?
Faster Way to Fat Loss is an online program developed by Amanda Tress designed to help solve the issues presented by fad or crash diets….think plateaus or regaining back all your weight lost after the diet is done. We all know, at least I hope we all know, that quick fix diets just ain’t it. They deprive your body of the nutrients it needs and can also depress your metabolism, however this is not what FWTFL is about. This program helps teach your body how to burn your fat for fuel through intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and specialized workouts. This is NOT a restrictive diet, but is a way to teach you about creating a healthier lifestyle with whole food nutrition. With Faster Way, balance = whole foods with occasional treats. You can even have a little wine or sweets on this plan!
Intermittent Fasting…?! But won’t I be hungry?
I get that the word fasting can come with some hangups…when I was first presented with the prospect of fasting, I was super tentative about it as well! This is one aspect of Faster Way to Fat Loss that I actually have been doing for a while now, off and on, since 2018, and I can definitely see the benefits. Intermittent fasting is basically just an eating schedule, wherein you eat during a certain chunk of hours and then you fast for the remainder of the 24 hour cycle of your day. There are many ways to do this, but in FWTFL, you’ll adopt the 16/8 model, so 16 hours fast with 8 hours eating window.
Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
There are so many awesome benefits to intermittent fasting…here are a few:
- naturally detoxes the body
- clears brain fog
- improves metabolism
- maintains lean muscle
- increases energy
Essentially, when you’re not eating, your body isn’t spending energy digesting, thus it can spend its energy in renewing your body and cells, a state known as autophagy. During this state, the destruction of damaged or redundant cellular components (i.e. the damaged parts of your cells) are recycled or disposed of, which is the natural process of your body detoxifying itself. You can see the obvious benefits, but doing intermittent fasting on your own can be detrimental to your health if you are not giving your body the right nutrients during your feeding window. This can create a hormone imbalance, leading to decrease in hormones, fertility issues, suboptimal thyroid function, and adrenal fatigue. With the Faster Way program, you have all the resources you need to intermitently fast properly.
But…isn’t breakfast the most important meal of the day?! Not really! This is actually a big lie that the marketing gurus of the breakfast food industry would LOVE for you to believe. Adjusting to intermittent fasting can be tough, so maybe start with a 12/12 window, and work yourself up to 16/8 window each day by one hour. After a week or so you’ll be adjusted and skipping breakfast will be so easy, I promise. If you’re like me and need your morning coffee, you can still enjoy your caffeine fix, just do it black so you don’t break your fast too early!

So, how much does Faster Way to Fat Loss Cost, and what do you get?
FWTFL will set you back $199 for their 6 week program. I get it, there is some sticker shock there, however, many weight loss programs do come with a cost, some a monthly cost.
- popular weight loss app Noom costs $59 a month
- Weight Watchers can cost up to about $14 a week
- a pyramid scheme that will go unnamed charges $266 for a month long detox
These are just a few examples, but the point is, most weight loss programs do come at a cost. Think about that $199 a different way. FW teaches you how to create this new lifestyle for yourself. While you can opt to continue after the 6 weeks to be a VIP for a discounted rate, you can stop your membership there and take everything you’ve learned and save it. The recipes/meal plans are downloadable, so they can be saved to use later. You now have all the macro information to track your calories and can follow the same 6 week plan if you need in the future, so in reality that one time fee of $199 is a great deal when you consider the knowledge and resources you now have to keep up this lifestyle in the future.
Investing in your health is so crucial. $199 now could lead you down to a healthier body and mind that can save you from future costly medical problems, i.e. doctor visits, surgeries, prescriptions, buying bigger clothes costs, etc…you get the point!

What does that $199 get you?
- 6 weeks of instruction and guidance from your coach. You will learn how to calculate your macros for the low carb macro, regular macro, and “feast” days.
- Workout videos you can follow for each designated day. Your workout depends on the type of macro day you are on. You get workouts tailored for your diet.
- A 6 week meal plan (you don’t have to follow it, but its there for your convenience. You can choose to make your own meals so long as they fit into the macros). The recipes on their meal plans look super good so I plan on using them! It also has a handy ingredient list for each week so you know exactly what to buy at the grocery store. Each week has a pdf download full of recipes with gorgeous photos so you have all the info you need to make your meals
- If you’re on Facebook, you will be invited to a private fb support group with your fellow FWTFL members as well as your coach where you can get and give tips tricks and recipes and support!
What do I need to get started?
You’ll want to download the Faster Way to Fitness App, and its really helpful if you also have a Facebook account so that you can join in on the Facebook support group. You’ll also want to download the My Fitness Pal App to help track your macros.
You don’t need these things, but it would make your process easier if you also had a food scale, body mass scale, Fastic app for tracking your fasting hours, and some dumbells and resistance bands for your workouts.
Whew, ok, I think that’s all the info I have for now! If you want to check out Faster Way to Fat Loss and get in on the January 4th round, click here! Don’t worry if you’re seeing this a couple days late as week 1 is mostly a prep week, so you can jump in no problem. And if you’re seeing this much farther in the future, new rounds start every 6 weeks, so you can still join whenever you want. Upon joining, you will gain immediate access to the Faster Way app so you can start checking out the workouts, meal plans, and all the info prior to your round’s start date.
Make sure to check out my video where I talk about why I am starting this program, as well as to see my before shots/measurements. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or shoot me a DM over on instagram!
Thanks for reading my post and clicking on my links! Comment below if you are interested in trying FWTFL out!

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I loved how you explained this!